Peter Kostelov is a famous Russian Architect and Interior Designer. He is a Member of the Union of Architects of Russia. The number of prizes he has won during his professional career is really impressive – he is a Winner of XIII Festival “Landscape Architecture. Look From Home“, Winner of XIV International Festival of Architecture and Interior Design “Under the Roof of Home” 2012 for a “Multi-Level Apartment”, Winner of Russian Architect Award “ARCHIWOOD 2010” for projects made from wood, in the category “Wood Decoration”.
Peter has also been honored with a Grand Prize of XII International Festival of Architecture and Interior Design “Under the Roofof Home“ 2010 for a “Wood Patchwork House”, He is a Winner of International Architect Award “ARCHIP 2009” in the category “Private House”for a private house of 133 sq.m. Petr is also a winner of International Architect Award “ARCHIP 2008”in the category “Private House” for a private house of 1,530 sq. m. He was also three times a Laureate for Architect Award in the category of “Habitable interior”.
Peter’s style is easily recognizable: clear straight lines, minimum details, subtile colours.
Peter says it is difficult to him to classify his own style. Some people say it is minimalism, some – functionalism, others – constructivism. Himself he prefers “neobrutalism”.