PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV pk4

Peter Kostelov is a famous Russian Architect and Interior Designer. He is a  Member of the Union of Architects of Russia. The number of prizes he has won during his professional career is really impressive – he is a Winner of XIII  Festival  “Landscape Architecture. Look From Home“, Winner of XIV International Festival of Architecture and Interior Design “Under the Roof of Home”  2012 for a “Multi-Level Apartment”, Winner of Russian Architect Award  “ARCHIWOOD 2010”  for projects made from wood, in the category “Wood Decoration”.

PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK3 PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK7 PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK10

Peter has also been honored with a Grand Prize of  XII International Festival of Architecture and Interior Design “Under the Roofof Home“  2010 for a “Wood Patchwork House”, He is a Winner of International Architect Award “ARCHIP 2009” in the category “Private House”for a private house of 133 sq.m. Petr is also a winner of International Architect Award “ARCHIP 2008”in the category “Private House” for a private house of 1,530 sq. m. He was also three times a Laureate for Architect Award  in the category of “Habitable interior”.

Peter’s style is easily recognizable: clear straight lines, minimum details,  subtile colours.
Peter says it is difficult to him to classify his own style. Some people say it is minimalism, some – functionalism, others – constructivism. Himself he prefers “neobrutalism”.

PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK2PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK5 PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK8 PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK91 PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK11 PETER KOSTELOV  Best design inspiration by PETER KOSTELOV PK12