Sophisticate look for a clean and estethic living room  Sophisticated look for a clean and estethic living room light fresh livingroom blacklamp

The details make the ambience, the colours make the style of, so if you are aiming for a sophisticated yet clean living room space, try to use light colours and simple lines. It will be the details that will pull up the gist of the entire space. Dark touches on some details, special objects, researched art pieces will be the perfect finishings for your project.

Light-Fresh-Livingroom-rock-vases-red-leaves-wool-pillows  Sophisticated look for a clean and estethic living room Light Fresh Livingroom rock vases red leaves wool pillows Light-Fresh-Livingroom-NYC-view-painting  Sophisticated look for a clean and estethic living room Light Fresh Livingroom NYC view painting  Light-fresh-livingroom-beige-turquoise-details-basket  Sophisticated look for a clean and estethic living room Light fresh livingroom beige turquoise details basket Clean_fresh_livingroom-metal-candlesticks-turquoise-lamp  Sophisticated look for a clean and estethic living room Clean fresh livingroom metal candlesticks turquoise lamp